Constant Sum Question Type

What is a Constant Sum type question?

The Constant Sum Question

A constant sum question permits collection of "ratio" data, meaning that the data is able to express the relative value or importance of the options (option A is twice as important as option B).

This example will ask respondents how they would spend $100 on household goods.

Step 1: Login >> Surveys >> Edit >> Add Question >> Ordering

Step 2: Click on Constant Sum:

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You can add the question text as well as the option text in the open ended box.
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  • With the help of the rich text editor you can customize the look and feel of your text in a click.
  • You can also insert images using html tags from the image library. Check how


There are various settings available with this question type:-

1. Validation and Display settings:

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  • Validation:There are various types of validations QuestionPro provides.
    • You can set the question to be mandatory ( Require response) Check how
    • You can code your own javascript validation for the question.Check how
  • Randomize Answer Options:You can randomize the answer options. For example: For a test if you do not want the students to see the options in the same order to avoid cheating. In case you want to exclude any option from randomization, you can do that as well. Check how
  • Constant Sum display: You can shoe/ Hide the running total of the entered value
  • Hide Slider: Along with the question, a slider is also attached. You can hide it, if not required.
  • Sum Value: You can populate the value from another question to your constant sum question.
  • For example: Your previous question is what is your income?

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    Prefix and Suffix: It allows you to add any special character before and after the main attribute. For example: % or $

2. Look and Feel:

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  • Instructions/ Header: You can add instruction in the form of text which will be displayed on top of the question. Check how
  • Answer Sorting: You can sort the answer option in ‘Ascending’ order or ‘Descending’ order.
  • Embed Video: You can insert a video into the question using Youtube or Image library. Check how
  • Display: You can add alternating colors for your options. It becomes easier to read as well as it looks good. Check how
  • Question and Answer width: You can change the question and answer width for the question in the survey. Check how

3. Tips:

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You can add tips on how to take the survey or what exactly the question means so that the respondent finds it easier to respond without any confusion. Check how

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