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Help us reach more people with diabetes who may be at risk for vision loss. Please take 2 minutes to tell us about yourself.
Check the box that describes you:
I have diabetes
I care for someone with diabetes
How many years have you, or the person you care for, had diabetes?
less than 1 year
1-4 years
5-10 years
over 10 years
How old are you?
18-25 years
26-40 years
41-79 years
80+ years
Check one:
Which best describes you?
How did you hear about
Based on what you have learned here, what are you most likely to do next?
Speak to my doctor
Find a Retina Specialist and schedule a retina eye exam
Do more research
Nothing at this time
Check everything that applies to you.
I see my doctor regularly
I watch my diet
I don’t exercise very much
I check my blood sugar several times during the day
I don’t take my medication regularly
I have been in the hospital because of my diabetes
I check my feet regularly

Please help us improve our site by rating the following statements. Select one choice.
1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly agree
1 2 3 4 5
I found this site educational
I found the information on this site clear and easy to understand
I found this site easy to navigate
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